
Publish a Website with Material for MkDocs and GitHub Pages

For example:Mkdocs静态网站制作


$ mkdocs new mkdocs-site
INFO     -  Creating project directory: mkdocs-site
INFO     -  Writing config file: mkdocs-site/mkdocs.yml
INFO     -  Writing initial docs: mkdocs-site/docs/index.md
$ cd mkdocs-site
$ tree -a
├── docs
│   └── index.md
└── mkdocs.yml

Add GitHub Workflow

$ mkdir .github
$ cd .github
$ mkdir workflows
$ cd workflows
$ vim PublishMySite.yml
$ tree -a
├── .github
│   ├── .DS_Store
│   └── workflows
│       └── PublishMySite.yml
├── docs
│   └── index.md
└── mkdocs.yml

Git and GitHub

git init

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "init"

GitHub - New Repository

GitHub > New Repository

GitHub > Repository > Settings > Actions > General >

  • Actions permissions: Allow all actions and reusable workflows
  • Workflow permissions: Read and write permissions
  • Click Save
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:Yang-Xijie/mkdocs-site.git # change to your github repo
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

GitHub > Repository > Settings > Pages > Source > gh-pages > Click Save

建议下载Github Desktop然后克隆到本地仓库,这样以后pull和push的同步也会方便(个人见解:可能需要科学上网不然速度很慢) 操作详见:这个视频

